
Users who stake GMXs and esGMXs on the GMX platform may have thought that they want to do more with their assets in the account, such as maximizing liquidity and potential returns for assets. Key Finance allows users to experience various liquidity derivative products while still remaining in the GMX ecosystem. In addition, Key Finance provides a return path by allowing users to buy back GMX staking accounts through us when they want to stake on the GMX platform again.

For instance, when staking on GMX, there are various rewards available, but the staker must wait a year to vest esGMX or hold a certain amount of GMX/GLP tokens in order to vest esGMXs, which must be locked up. Moreover, Multiplier Point (MP), a reward generated by staking esGMX, is a volatile asset that is not worth zero, but disappears when unstaking esGMX.

The biggest pain point that GMX staker may face here is that holding GMX, esGMX, and MP prevents one from enjoying opportunities other than rewards from staking.

To address these pain points of GMX stakers, Key Finance is here. As an end-to-end liquidity solution for GMX stakers, Key Finance will provide users with benefits as a gateway to the Liquidity Staking Derivative (LSD)s. At this moment, there is no such protocol that allows users to experience LSDs while staking GMX or works as a bridge to return to GMX. Key Finance will be the first protocol addressing these pain points of GMX stakers.

By using Key Finance, users can enjoy opportunities to be LPs while receiving staking rewards as a base. In addition to the fees that are usually received by LPs on Uniswap, Key Finance also offers compounding rewards by staking LP NFTs. Moreover, Key Finance will expand the Key utility tokens applications to be included in lending pools or asset pools for yield farming in the near future.

In the long term, users who wish to stake on GMX for the first time, if they are not currently staking on GMX, can easily enter the GMX ecosystem and expect high APR through Key Finance. By swapping Key utility tokens with GMX tokens on DEXs such as Uniswap, users can enjoy better benefits than when staking directly on GMX. Users are able to purchase rewards (esGMX, MP) on the market that can only be obtained by long-term GMX staking directly, in the form of Key utility tokens. Moreover, users are able to get relatively high APR, because they can purchase Key utility tokens at a lower price, compared to the prices of acquiring assets from GMX staking.

Last updated